15 September
DSPL 2014
8th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines
The concept of adaptation and self-adaptation of systems at runtime has caught the attention of the research community at large, both inside the domain of SPL as well as outside SPL in areas like models-at-runtime, self-adaptive systems, ubiquitous computing, etc.
Dynamic software product lines (DSPL) were established as a research area under the assumption that product line concepts can be very usefully applied in this context.
Since its inception the DSPL-workshop addresses the mission of supporting adaptive and adaptable system development based on product line concepts. The focus is to create a community of researchers and to provide a forum for the discussion of current research on this topic.
Link to the Workshop site: http://www.lero.ie/dspl2014 (Click here for the program)
16 September
SPLTea 2014
First International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching
Education has a key role to play for disseminating the constantly growing body of Software Product Line (SPL) knowledge.
Teaching SPLs is challenging and it is unclear how SPLs can be taught, what are the possible gaps and difficulties faced, what are the benefits, or what is the material available.
This workshop aims to explore and explain the current status and ongoing work on teaching SPLs at universities, colleges, and in industry (e.g., by consultants).
Participants will discuss gaps and difficulties faced when teaching SPLs, benefits to research and industry, different ways to teach SPL knowledge, common threads, interests, and problems.
Link to the Workshop site: http://spltea.irisa.fr/ (Click here for the program)
REVE 2014
2nd International Workshop on REverse Variability Engineering
Variability management of a product family is the core aspect of Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE).
The adoption of this mature approach requires a high upfront investment before being able to automatically generate product instances based on customer requirements. However, these adoption costs and risks could be reduced with an incremental approach, which mines existing assets and then transitions to full product line engineering. Those existing assets can be for instance similar product variants that were implemented using ad-hoc reuse techniques such as clone-and-own. Bottom-up approaches to automatically extract variability management related artifacts could be proposed, applied, validated and improved in this domain. This workshop proposes to fill the gap between the Reengineering and SPLE communities as this collaboration will be very useful for both sides.
Link to the Workshop site: http://www.isse.jku.at/reve2014 (Click here for the program)
SPLat 2014
A Workshop on Software Product Line Analysis Tools
The SPLat workshop aims to provide a platform for the presentation and positioning of formal analysis tools as used in software product line engineering (model checkers, SAT/SMT solvers, theorem provers, run-time verifiers, consistency checkers, etc.) for the identification of commonalities and differences of these tools as well as for the inventorizing of challenges for their application.
Different from a demo or tool workshop, SPLat focuses on the underlying concepts and overall approach, in particular how combinatorial explosion can be mitigated.
Link to the Workshop site: http://www.splat2014.org (Click here for the program)
17 September
SPES Workshop on Challenges And Deployable Solutions for Seamless Variant Management
The workshop focuses on exchange of challenges, ideas and practical for variant management solutions for today's industrial use cases from software intensive domains like avionics, automotive, transportation, or automation.
It aims to bring together industrial practitioners from these domains to discuss and highlight the challenges and deployed solutions in their organizations. Main goal is to identify commonalities and also differences in these challenges in terms of importance, complexity, and applied solutions.
Link to the Workshop site: http://spes2020.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/swords2014.html (Click here for the program)